Part 2 of 4
BEFORE you start ANY DIET, it is essential that you ask and then answer the 2 following questions:
1.) WHY are you dieting?
2.) WHAT are you hoping to lose or gain?
In actuality, those two questions are asking the same thing but most people don't really understand question one so over the years I have found it helpful and definitely quicker to ask question two in order to shed light on and bring about the correct answer to WHY you set out to diet in the first place.
Those may seem like two simple questions BUT they are NOT. I have worked with over 1,000 people who wanted/needed to diet and/or who wanted/needed to exercise. I would guesstimate that 95% of my clients either couldn't answer those two questions or answered those two questions wrong.
Your INDIVIDUALIZED diet and exercise success is found in the answers to those two queries. Your diet and exercise programs FAIL to bring about your desired results when you don't ask yourself those two questions or you experience FAILURE with your diet and exercise regimen when you don't do the behavior(s) that CAUSE those sought-after outcomes.
So, why are you dieting?
- Are you wanting to lose EXCESS BODY FAT?
- Do you seek to eliminate your body's INSULIN RESISTANCE?
- Do you desire to GAIN MUSCLE?
- Do you want to GET LEANER?
If your answer is: I want to lose excess body fat, what you are actually saying is that you seek to lose EXCESS STORAGE FAT that's disguised as your muffin top, FOPA, spare tire, bra fat, back fat, thunder thighs, thighs that rub together, fat butt, turkey neck, double chins, and chicken wings.
If your answer is: I must eliminate my body's insulin resistance because I have high blood sugar or both my blood sugar AND my hemoglobin A1C are elevated, what you are really saying is that you must use up your liver's and muscle's glycogen stores, cause your muscles to require more energy from glucose and thus becoming more sensitive to the insulin that your body releases in response to the food you eat or the liquids you drink.
If your desire is to gain muscle, you are in reality saying, "I want to build BIGGER muscles" which will require some additional protein and the CORRECT kind and amount of exercises for those particular muscles you want to enlarge AND give those muscles their necessary recovery time.
Men and women don't get more muscles. You are stuck with the number of skeletal muscles you were born with. (Sorry!) You can make them grow larger so you and those you care to have notice your well-sculpted or gargantuan physique.
If your aim is to GET LEANER then what you are in essence saying is that you need to REDUCE the amount of STORAGE FAT your body has inside your fat cells, the fat cells that have accumulated between your muscles, on top of your muscles, wrapped about your organs, etc...
Basically a person who diets seeks to:
REDUCE STORAGE FAT and to do that they must first deplete their glycogen stores
DEPLETE GLYCOGEN STORES by engaging in anaerobic exercise not aerobic exercise
BUILD BIGGER MUSCLES by increasing the workload or weight lifted by those particular muscles
.....to be continued.....more answers coming your way in my next post
Thx for reading,
-Bell Gia
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