Saturday, March 12, 2016


The All-Important Green Smoothie and Confusing Weight Gain

I'm probably going to take some heat-seeking missiles today from many a health coach and vegan for speaking what will seem to them as heresy but facts are facts and somebody has got to be gutsy enough to get the word out to so many dieters out there who have gained weight and can't figure out why or are stuck (plateaued) at a number on the scale and can't get under it no matter how much they exercise due in whole or in part to their morning green smoothie.

The Morning Green Smoothie -- You've heard Dr. Oz, The View, Mike & Kelly, Kimberly Synder, and the NutriBullet/Magic Bullet infomercial push the sacrosanct first-thing-in-the-morning green smoothie and all its health benefits. Not one of these health efficionados has mentioned its possible counter-productiveness to your losing weight or its ability to cause stagnation to your weight-loss efforts.  

Green Smoothie and juicing recipe books tell their audiences to make a "huge" Vitamix or blender full of green smoothie. "Don't worry about measuring ingredients," they shout,  just throw in a couple bananas, pour in a bunch of frozen berries, pineapple, peaches, and mango into your blender and use the liquid of your choice: coconut water, almond or soy milk, or cow's milk. Lastly, you are told to put a handful of whatever greens you want: spinach, kale, collard greens, or spring mix. Blend all that nutrient-dense produce up until its nice and creamy. Now drink up until your stomach is full and pay yourself on the back for doing such a great thing for your body--NOT! 

Those experts tell you to drink as much as you want of your Green Smoothie, whenever you want -- you are especially encouraged to drink it within an hour of waking up, to drink another tall glass two hours before your workout, and to drink some more after you workout because the Green Smoothie is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, making it so darn good for you. But is that Green Smoothie really good for your weight-loss program? 

If your Green Smoothie contains a large serving or several servings of fruit it is one of the LAST things you want to drink (eat) first thing in the morning within an hour of waking up and after a workout. Sorry to break it to you but if you are following their advice, your 16- to 24-ounce Green Smoothie is obstructing your weight-loss efforts and causing your bafflement on the scale each morning as to why you're gaining weight, not losing weight, or are stuck at a number on the scale that try-as-you-may you can't seem to be able to get below.

How exactly is your Green Smoothie sabotaging your weight loss and hindering your dieting efforts?

If you have belly bulge that hangs over your pants, jeans, or shorts, if your huge thighs rub uncomfortably together, if your hips are too wide for most of your skirts and dresses due to your fatty saddle bags, if your enlarged butt has double handfuls of cellulite-covered flesh hanging out both sides of your underwear then the LAST THING you want to do is drink a fruit-containing Green Smoothie in the morning within an hour of waking up and/or after your workout. It is better to remove that vitamin and fructose-rich health drink from OFF of your menu until you are at your maintenance weight and NOT striving to lose unwanted body fat. 

When you wake up in the morning, and haven't snacked during the night, your body is in a partially FASTED state which means it hasn't had food to immediately use as its energy source to keep your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your blood moving throughout your entire body, repairing your damaged cells, making new cells to replace your old, worn-out ones, etc... You haven't eaten so your body has had to use some of its STORED CALORIES known as GLYCOGEN found in your liver and in your muscles. 

In order for you to LOSE BODY FAT, stored calories from your eating excess protein & carbohydrates and from the correct amount of fat or from too much dietary fat that you consumed, your body MUST use up its daily supply of glycogen BEFORE your body has the need to breakdown its stored fat, UN-STORE those fats from your liver and muscle cells, and repackage them for delivery to your organs and tissues that need fuel to beat, breathe, circulate, repair, and create. 

Every hour since your last meal or snack before going to bed, your body has HAD TO use its glycogen stores to provide your body with the energy source it REQUIRES to keep your body functioning. The body gets that required energy from your liver and from your muscles. A dieter who seeks to successfully LOSE weight in the form of BODY FAT from off their butt, hips, thighs, arms, and stomach MUST USE UP their day's supply of glycogen housed in their liver and muscles BEFORE their overweight/obese body is going to perform the energy-intensive process of breaking down, un-storing, and the repackaging of their undesired fat for energy which is HOW YOU LOSE BODY FAT WEIGHT. 

If you drink that ill-advised Green Smoothie first thing in the morning, your body STOPS being in a partially fasted state where it was using up your stored calorie reserves to soon be able to begin USING YOUR STORED FAT as fuel, but INSTEAD your body has now received via your Green Smoothie the readily-available glucose for energy and has also received the carbohydrates it needs to replenish your partially-empty glycogen stores in your liver and muscles.

Your BODY FAT weight-loss efforts have now been STOPPED, hindered, and derailed due to your really healthy but NOT WEIGHT-LOSS PRODUCING Green Smoothie. Buon appetito -- NOT!

If you want an expert who KNOWS how to get you to LOSE BODY FAT or get LEAN, please contact me, Bell Gia, in any of the following ways:
Fill out the contact sheet at
Email me at 
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